My Blushield B1 Premium cube for Home and my Portable watch are Literally giving me back my life!

I wish I’d known about Blushield products when my Rheumatoid Arthritis began over 10 years ago.  These products are literally saving my 83 year old mother’s life and giving me back my body and life!  My hands and knees always felt pain and itching. That has stopped. Sleep is now deep and healing. My energy level is good all day, no matter what I do. When I transferred the laundry from washer to dryer, my heart and breathing became labored. But now I have all kinds of energy and don’t need to ask my husband for help. I’m excited that I’m running up and down the stairs at the age of 62 like I used to when I was in my 30’s.The miracle is a Blushield cube & watch that protect me & my family from harmful Electromagnetic fields of wifi, cell towers & antennaes.  The company’s website, is full of great info and a 30 day money back guarantee.  Use the coupon code: Lifesaver10 for a 10% discount.  This website is full of info about the dangers of non-native and therefore dangerous EMF’s or electromagnetic fields.  So if your health has been at risk, this is an amazing find.  There is a lot of great educational content on the site, so you can make an informed decision.

I have tried everything from shungite, to organite, to zappers. I’m a Reiki master and Akashic Record energy healer. All of these things have helped to a certain extent especially the energy healing aspect through past and present life readings and clearings. But in the past few weeks I have discovered Blushield products that I think the world needs to know about.

My rheumatologist will see my inflammation markers go down for sure next visit. I’m sharing this with as many people as possible because like me, you’ve tried so many remedies without success.

My sister recently plugged in her C1 Ultimate cube and was excited to feel a calm that she hasn’t experienced for so long.  Her teenage daughter is sleeping through the night for the first time. She noticed that the usual snarky behavior in the household is gone, everyone is calmer.

The list of healthy changes for me is growing. My Gluten sensitivity of over ten years is gone. I can eat Pepe’s pizza, croissants and, lol, King’s Hawaiian Rolls again. I can vacuum without feeling like I’m plugged into an electrical socket. Today I was not in a rush to leave the diner and felt calm and happy just being out and about, vs tense and in varied levels of pain.

I used to need 30 mgs of Melatonin to sleep and normally wouldn’t turn in until 2 or 3 am. Since the first night of plugging in my B1 cube, I get sleepy at around 10 or 11 pm and when I hit the pillow, I go out almost immediately into a deep, profound and healing sleep. I’m now waking up at around 8:30 am with absolutely no pain or stiffness and good energy, ready to take on the day. I call my sleep Delicious!

My 82 year old mother got her ultra-premium Cube yesterday. She had not been sleeping for months because of sciatica pain. She called me this morning and said she slept for the first time very well and woke up with very little pain. That pain was not able to be controlled by medical doctors, chiropractor and acupuncturist. So she is a Believer. On an added note, she called me to let me know that she needs the watch asap.  When she went out of her protected home for lunch, the pain that had disappeared, started to come back.  She couldn’t get back home fast enough! She now has her watch and enjoys going out of her protected home knowing she is in a 9 foot protected bubble.

We all deserve that and health and a good night’s sleep!!!!! Wifi and 5G are now being beamed down from satellites so there is literally no safe space. Blushield products provide that safe space! Please do read about how they work on the Blushield website. This is the best investment I’ve ever made for my and my family’s health and wellness. And don’t forget to use the code Lifesaver10 for a 10% discount :)!

Hugs, Kariann Price

How the Quantum Cell and Nova Bracelet Keep Me Safe from Cell Tower & Wifi Radiation!

DSC01559.JPGNow that my home and store are my såfe havens because of the Earthcalm Home Protection System ECPS), I needed to feel the same protection when leaving my home and store, from  Cell Mast Towers & other Electromagnetic Field Radiation that are ever-present todåy.  The answer came in two Earthcalm products that I have with and on me always.  They are the EC Nova Bracelet and the Quantum Cell placed on my Android Cell phone.

In three weeks, I am feeling full protection as I pass every Cell Tower that populates I 95 & Route 1.  I used to feel immediate inflammation of all my small joints and pain in my thigh and arm muscles.  Fatique, shortness of breath and body aches and itching  became more intense as I got nearer to a tower.  And now Cell Tower Masts are everywhere and it is hard to get relief via distance.

I now drive feeling relaxed and am no longer thinking about the pain or joint issues.  When I see a tower I no longer feel dread, just fear for others that may not know that their autoimmune issues, and a growing number of illnesses such as autism, cancers and arthritis in younger populations are being caused by non-ionising radiation from wifi, cell towers and smart meters that populate our cities and neighborhoods.

Please visit the Earthcalm Site to learn more about the Nova Bracelet, Quantum CellQuantumCell and other products that, when used together offer added layers of protection from this modern, invisible public health crisis in the making.

Here is some great info from the Earthcalm website:

Manmade Electromagnetic radiation pulls you out of the Earth’s electromagnetic field, the natural home for your body. It disrupts the functioning of your cells and DNA. This can cause a number of different health problems, such as chronic headaches, a weakened immune system, and sleep & digestive disorders.

Back pain and EHS remedied by Shieldite!

Image   Shieldite website  

I recently had corrective foot surgery and was/ am laid up on the couch.  The pain was not so much with my foot, but in my back when, out of nowhere, I was experiencing the pain of giving birth again all concentrated in my right flank.  I could not get in a comfortable position, even after doubling up on both the narcotic, Oxycodone; and Ibuprofen.  Ice, topical Nyloxin, heating pad and a back brace did nothing to help.  Actually, the heating pad worsened it, if that was possible.

I thought I was going to either need a visting nurse and bedside commode or head for the ER.  I became febrile and vomited when I finally made it to the bathroom. This pain was reminiscent of the pain I felt from my abdomen to back many months earlier.  I was admitted to the hospital for a 6 day stay.

DISCOVERY!  I could no longer put off that dreaded trip to the bathroom.  I took many Lamaze-type breaths and, just when I was about to attempt the trip, I eyed one of my Shieldite pyramids.  I thought, what the heck and placed the bottom side on my back.  Miraculously, within a minute, the pain vanished, never to return.  It turns out the electricity had collected in my back that no amount of drugs would help.  It HAD to come OUT and the only way to remove it was with Shieldite.

I could have prevented a hospital stay and missed closing my store.  For more info and where to purchase Shieldite, click the link below.

Shieldite website  

What is Shieldite?

Shieldite Stone Pyramid

Shieldite is a rare rock that contains an unusual combination of silicate and crystalline carbon minerals. Shieldite is the only natural stone known to protect against EMFs. This mineral combination forms hollow minute carbon cages or balls within its structure. They look like the pattern on soccer balls. They are groups of molecules bound into hexagon and pentagon shapes and grouped together to form hollow spheres. Scientists call these minute spheres fullerenes. The spheres are incredibly strong and stable. These sphere absorb and transmute any surrounding electromagnetic fields rending them harmless.

Shieldite website  

Why we switched from Cordless back to CORDED Phones! Electrohypersensitivity or EMF Mitigation!!!!!

cordless phone radiation
I always wondered why I could not unbend my elbow without effort after holding the Cordless phone. Now I know why!
After inadvertently placing the cordless phone & base in our bedroom the other night (I tried to move it from where my husband was sitting in the living room — it had been next to his head!),  I awoke the next am feeling like I had full blown RA/ Rheumatoid Arthritis again.  Where I had stopped limping and was feeling more normal for longer pockets of time each day that I Earthed/ grounded & removed more sources of EMFs (Electro Magnetic Fields), I was back to feeling horrible again!

The next day I replaced the phones w/ corded sets.  So we’re back to pre 1986 with 25 foot stretch cords from headset to base.  The next morning, I was making a good recovery and actually ran down the stairs shortly after waking up!  So this is yet another incident that confirms that I have been Electrohypersensitive all along and that that is what caused my RA.

My appetite is returning and my nodules and soft bumps are completely gone from my ankles and feet.  And the jelly bean-sized lymph nodes in my groin are down to Tic Tac size.

Just remember that having a cordless phone base in your apt or home is like having a Cell phone tower mast in your midst.  THAT is CRAZY!!!!

Here’s some info from Lloyd Burrell’s site:

Most cordless phones use DECT (Digital European Cordless Telephone) technology. The handset and the base of the phone, emit pulsed microwave radiation.

Cancer Link With Cordless Phone Radiation

Research from Swedish scientists concludes that cordless phones raise the risk of developing cancer. After evaluating malignant brain tumor patients’ usage of cell phones vs. their usage of cordless phones, they found the cancer risk was multiplied for those who used DECT cordless phones and combining the two made the risk even higher.

Another problem is the radiation levels. In some cases the radiation from a DECT cordless phone base is higher than the radiation levels found near a cell phone tower.

The third problem is that most cordless phones emit radiation from the handset, as well as the base, at full power, even when the phone isn’t in use.

– See more at:

Be Well & EMF FREE!!!!  Kariann

My Unintentional Fast! And a Remarkeable Discovery :)

I’ve missed all of you!  Due to a sports injury I was admitted to the hospital for six nights :(!  What an ordeal.  Long story short, I underwent every test & poke & jab imaginable to rule out what was causing the groin & back pain that IV Morphine did not touch Oy!.  My arms feel like pin pricks from all the blood work drawn!  Image

Well, in the end it was determined via an MRI (why they waited to perform that test last is beyond me) that I was a fine & healthy specimen inside & out & had put my not too young spine into contortions that caused some muscle strain & pinched nerves. 

In the meantime I lay in an IV Morphine stupor for six days, wretching my guts out & wasting away.   From now on if I’m asked what I’m allergic to I’m gonna say Morphine & any & all narcotics!

So here’s where the discovery comes and is something I’d read about in excerpts from Clint Paddison‘s book, The Paddison Cure To Rheumatoid Arthritis.  I’ve not read the book, but can relate to his theory that food can contribute to an Autoimmune Disorder such as RA.

I will remind you that my RA was 98% cured when I was admitted, but knew that the parasites & food triggers still existed in my body. What I did not expect to find after the involuntary fast was that my joints felt like they were new again, not because of the Morphine but because there was NO nutrition other than my IV normal saline dripping into my veins.  For some reason, the initial attending would not allow me to have any food or even ice chips although surgery was ruled out.  I lay there like on a Sahara desert dune feeling deprived of sustenance but as if I’d been given brand new joints from head to toe.

So my plan of action continues as mentioned in my previous diet blog:  continue with my Food Trigger & Good Food Diary.  And eat, eat, eat the good stuff to put that lost weight back on!




Parasites Beware The Zapper!

It’s amazing how the medical community cannot put a finger on the cause of Autoimmune Disorders such as Rheumatoid Arthritis.  Perhaps it’s because they have nothing to gain from revealing the true cause (parasites), which are easily killed without those nasty and expensive drugs that make the BIG Pharmaceuticals lots of mulah!

Physicians need not despair, however, since we need to partner with them as we get our bodies back to health with the two non-invasive & vital tools that I mention here: Correcting Geopathic Stress, Wearing one or two Zappers .  (See April post for what I use & where to find zappers!)

So here’s what you can expect:  although I’ve shared with you that my RA is cured — RF factor has remained negative for months & I no longer need any pain medication.  Do keep in mind that some parasites will linger or even return (especially if you have pets).

I’ve noticed that soft lumps will reappear on my foot.  Now I know they are parasites rearing their ugly head after hiding in joints until now.  I know because when I place my zapper over the lump for 15 – 30 minutes, the lump disappears.  The same thing happens when I get a tingling or achey feeling somewhere that disappears when I place the zapper there, too.

Parasites are positively charged and cannot survive the negative ion current of the zapper.  So zap away as I have 24/7 for two months now and begin to see & believe that your good HEALTH is just around the bend!

So Beware you critters, you can try but you can’t win this game of Health & Life!

Don’t Sweat The Diet Stuff!

There are some books out there about curing RA through diet, for example Barbara Allen’s Conquering Rheumatoid Arthritis & The Paddison Program to Rheumatoid Arthritis. These programs highly emphasize making drastic diet changes. The testimonials for these approaches are numerous, but if you are like me, I find it very difficult to restrict or drastically alter my diet. I was looking for a much easier way to CURE my RA & take back my amazing life.

That said, diet does play a role in RA and I will keep it simple:

Keep a log of foods that trigger RA symptoms & stay away from those trigger foods as much as possible.

Keep a log of foods that DON’T trigger RA symptoms (so you can enjoy them again!)

And that’s it! This is you taking action as you become your own Body Detective. Sometimes it will be easy to know which foods are triggers & other times not so easy, such as when you dine out at that French restaurant and can’t say no to all those rich sauces, accompanying wines & apertifs!


I will share an example of my own simple Diet Log here. Yours will be different, but not to worry, that’s what makes us so special.  You can create categories for your lists for future referencing.

ETOH triggers:

  • Beer: Stella Artois 😦 
  • Triple Cream Cheese 😦 !!!!! 3/24/13

ETOH :)!

  • Plum Wine 🙂

Restaurants :)!

  • Dinner @ Royal Palace 🙂
  • Hanami II in Branford, CT, Japanese, Sushi